Law Education
- Bachelor of law, University of Sharijah UAE 2014 – 2015
- Professional Diploma in professional skills for international lawyers in (NOTTINGHAM TRENT UNIVERSITY) United Kingdom
Related courses
- Nominate contracts
- Law of civil procedures
- International law
- Law of criminal procedures
- Private Panel Law
- Banking transactions
- Commercial bankruptcy
- Procedure enforcement
Training and Experience
- Volunteer Legal Representative: Advocates and Legal Consultants.
- Gained legal knowledge in one of the biggest Law Firms in UAE
- Worked in bank, company and business contracts cases.
- Worked in cases related to one of the biggest reputed companies in the UAE like Emaar properties and its subsidiaries, Dubai Industrial City and Dubai Islamic Bank.
Activities and Achievements:
- Graduation research project on Crime Beating that leads to death in UAE Law, Fall of 2014 – 2015
- Internship training in Sharijah Court of Appeal, Civil Court, Personal Status Court, Criminal Court and Public Prosecution, Fall of 2013 – 2014
- Linguistic skills: Arabic and English spoken frequently.