Al-Faqih is proud to have its preeminent dispute resolution team headed by the managing partner Ali Umar Bin Al-Faqih and the best Supreme Court lawyer Othman Ali Abu Shorah, well-known for his long legal practice in the Sultanate of Oman. Al-Faqih dispute resolution team enjoys a formidable reputation in successfully delivering efficient, effective and timely results in relation to difficult and high-profile cases before all sorts of Omani courts in the field of commercial litigation, money claims, corporate crimes and also civil claims.
The firm has been involved in both domestic and international arbitration, including international commercial arbitration. Mr. Ali Umar Bin Al-Faqih has extensive experience in international arbitration, both as counsel and arbitrator. He has experience of working in several international arbitral tribunals formed under the ICC, ICSID, LCIA and UNCITRAL Rules and also in the International Arbitration Tribunal in Brussels and he also serves as Accredited International Arbitrator and Member of the Economic Unit of Arab Leaque .
Other members of the firm also have expertise and experience in commercial arbitration and have acted as counsel in ICC, ICSID and UNCITRAL arbitrations. The firm advises on a wide range of arbitration issues, including arbitration clauses and submission agreements, choice of forum and rules of arbitration, enforceability of awards and the role of national courts during arbitration proceedings. We have been involved in litigation for enforcing arbitration awards, staying court proceedings initiated in violation of arbitration clauses and obtaining interim relief in support of pending arbitration proceedings.